I still have problem to pronouce "bill" correctly, sigh..........people usually think I am saying "beer", esp in bar. :-)
No, your pronunciation is perfect, you called bar-boy's name, so Bill gave you a free beer as return, next time, call Bill loudly when you need beer。。。LOL
第二个故事让我想起我也在餐馆的笑话故事.我当时给客人上日本清酒,临放在桌上时发现里面有个小黑点,我于是找了个借口说 sorry, it is not full. i will get you another one.结果那个年轻人扑的一声大笑说 i am not a fool , either.我知道是我的发音成了笑话了脸都红了还好经理看这边其乐融融过来问怎么回事客人说他很高兴来这吃饭
Today, one of my co-workers was telling us about his great experience about "Hot Yogurt" last night. It made him sweat but felt so good afterwards, I asked him: oh? how does it taste? and how much did you eat?Yeah, they all laughed at me. He was talking about "Hot Yoga". lol
if u jump into the conversation without any context, u will certainly make that kind of mistake.
ya, that was kind what happened today. lol.
add one: on Friday, ppl always say "it is the light of the end of tunnel".
yesterday I called customer service of my computer manufacturer. My name starts with a Q and I repeated few time but he still did not get it. and he said "2?" , then I could not take any more, said " r u stupid or what? a name with 2 ? " f**k him.
u should have said Q for Queen in that case
that was exactly what i said. after my being angry he never mishear my words again
try to slow down and pronounce as clear as possible, which might help
Haha, next time, just say Ciao instead of Qiu, So both of you and customer service guy will know how to pronounce it, he will get similar tone as Qiu from Ciao, while you get K!。。。LOL