You are right. Before, I just wonder why so simple thing they can't figure out it's wrong, it's bad. They have tons reason to refuse to acknowledge that's not correct.I really like canada government to reconsider what kind people they like to immigrant.
See beyond your imagination right?
-mocha(Kaa the snake);
"Use free sun and wind to dry clothes outdoors." 这是 TORONTO HYDRO 宣传节约能源的第一句话。有时,所谓的“文明”只能带来巨大的浪费和对大自然永久的伤害。
I'm very sure that your other neighbor can write about you as their neighbor too.
-mocha(Kaa the snake);
I'm pretty sure that we are the good neighbor if they write. you know why? because we CARE about other people.
Perfect neighbor uh? That's why the kids picked your door to paint...
-mocha(Kaa the snake);