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枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 以B1/B2签证在美国干labor赚的现金,如何带回加拿大。买money order,还是旅行支票。还是其它银行转帐的方法。谢谢各位大虾回复。能不能在美国银行开户?以B1/B2签证在美国干labor赚的现金,如何带回加拿大。买money order,还是旅行支票。还是其它银行转帐的方法。谢谢各位大虾回复。能不能在美国银行开户?
It depends how much you will bring in. Cash is the best way, check is the safest, but travel check or money order will let you spend some service fees.Generally, you have to have SSN(social security Number) in order to open a bank account in US, but in some places, like New York City(ChinaTown), you could open an account without SSN.
Remember to be safe, DO NOT write $10,000.00 on each check. Bank will send information to US government if the check is more than this amount.