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Here is, the official results of the Arizona Senate Audit of the 2020 election,

Here is, the official results of the Arizona Senate Audit of the 2020 election,

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 败丁比川总“多”了10,457票。但是,没有凭证的“提前投票”是255,000票。审计出的非法票总数是360,000票 +8
    • 这个帖子收藏了。 +1
      • 论选票富人永远干不过穷人
        • Soros
    • 川黑们赶紧把眼睛捂起来,不然就又双叒看到2020窃选的证据啦 。 +4
    • 但是,闻说重点票的2个县老川的票还少了很多,这里面没点提前投的票
    • 又是推文。我搜索 Arizona Senate audit 2020 election,并没有搜到你说的这个报告,要不你提供一下官方的报告连接,让我学习一下? +1
      • 当真你就输了 +3
      • 赞你的认真态度。 哪怕是得出不同的结论都是好的。 +1
      • Here is, the official results of the Arizona Senate Audit of the 2020 election, +1
        Here is, the official results of the Arizona Senate Audit of the 2020 election,
      • Arizona’s 2020 Forensic Election Senate Audit, what you haven’t heard, and MUCH, MUCH MORE! +1
        Author unknown. The Arizona Senate chose Cyber Ninjas, a Florida company owned by Doug Logan, to conduct a complete forensic audit of the Maricopa County 2020 election. This audit consisted of counting all 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County (the 4th largest county in all of the United St
      • 北美的search engines已经丧失信用了。需要用俄国的yandex.com
        Yandex is a technology company that builds intelligent products and services powered by machine learning. Our goal is to help consumers and businesses better navigate the online and offline world. Since 1997, we have delivered world-class, locally relevant search and information services. Additionally, we have developed market-leading on-demand transportation services, navigation products, and other mobile applications for millions of consumers across the globe. Yandex, which has 17 offices worldwide, has been listed on the NASDAQ since 2011.
        Full Story:
    • 愿赌服输,如果两个政党都这个阴谋那个舞弊选举系统出问题等等,那选举就不会再有结果了,最后美国就为一个人的抱负不得安宁!戈尔那次那么接近,是trump的话估计美国可能内战了! +4
      • 委内瑞拉的那个作弊总统应该会赞成你的看法 +5
        • 主要还是看你对美国二百多年的民主制度有没有信心,包括选举制度(这不是说这些制度就没有漏洞和缺陷)。如果丧失信心的人多了,这个问题可就大了,你可以想象一下这个后果。 +1
          • 你说的很对。 我认为目前为止, 大家对于选举还是有信心的。
      • 既然是资本主义国家,就让出问题的地区赔钱好了,不必推翻结果
      • 问题是邮寄选票问题这么多,为啥民主党州还大力鼓吹邮寄选票呢?为啥要现在就开始邮寄选票呢?脑子想想都知道他们在想啥。 +7
        • 要有证据。推广邮寄肯定有冠冕堂皇的理由,你要逐一批判 +1
          • 这个正是民主党需要的。 +3
        • 偷车是犯罪,遇到有枪的车主还会挨打,为啥盗贼还偷车呢? +3
      • 公开承认自己输掉2020年大选?川普:当时只差一点 +1
        • 这次还是不知道倒了几道手的文章。还是那句话, 请提供原始视频。 +3
          • 给条藤,请川粉们自己去摸大瓜吧。老川面对选举有了正确的态度,肉脸靠作弊的川粉们一下子还不能适应
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    • 看来共和党和川普就是废物。这么多年了,连自己胜负关键的选票都搞不公平。这种废材真垃圾。 +2
      • 在历次选举里, 就没有过废物。